A Ride through New Territory

June 15th
I took a bike ride with Doris and Martin today. We followed a trail I'd never been on before and saw some towns and places I hadn't visited before. Starting in Haselstauden, we followed the Dornbirnerach along through farmland and trails that were obviously not meant for heavy travel. We rode next to the river on some terrible terrain all the way to the Bodensee. Once there we crossed a small bridge and visited a little Fishery. The recent flooding made it so the pond next to the fishery came up within an inch of the road. It felt like we were biking on top of the water. The swans, elderly people and lunch go-ers made the atmosphere really comforting. Next we crossed the Rhein over to Fußach. I had never been to Fußach before, and I think it's really cool. Canals run through the town instead of alleys. Most every house has a boat parked in the back, the town is Venice-esque. Since we were in the area, we biked over through Hard and grabbed an ice cream before heading home. On the way home though we made a quick stop at the Jannersee in Lauterach, just a little lake behind the town I had never seen before.

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